Overview of Hitachi NAS auditing

Hitachi network-attached storage (NAS) devices are special-purpose storage devices or file servers that are connected directly to a network. Each Hitachi NAS file server can consist of several Enterprise Virtual Servers (EVSs).

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus is a change auditing solution that provides visibility into your Hitachi NAS servers. ADAudit Plus monitors the configured EVSs and the shares residing on these virtual servers. Driven by user behavior analytics, it delivers detailed reports on user activity in Hitachi NAS files and shares, analyzes permission changes, and automates instant responses to security incidents. ADAudit Plus also streamlines compliance with numerous regulations, such as HIPAA, FISMA, the GDPR, and SOX.

Supported versions:

Hitachi NAS 13.2 and above

Audited events:

ADAudit Plus audits every attempt to perform the following file activities on Hitachi NAS servers:

  • Create
  • Read
  • Modify
  • Write
  • Delete
  • Change file permissions
  • Rename
  • Move

This guide provides the steps to configure auditing for your Hitachi NAS servers using ADAudit Plus.
