Asset Modules - Frequently Asked Questions

Asset Module

Assets Scan

  1. How do I perform a domain scan in ServiceDesk Plus?
  2. What are the ports used by ServiceDeskPlus for scanning Windows and other network devices?
  3. What are the various scanning modes supported by ServiceDesk Plus? Does workstation scan install any software or agent on the client machines in order to get information like software and hardware?
  4. What are the devices that can be scanned by ServiceDesk Plus?
  5. Can I scan PCs with older OS say, window 98? If so, how do I do it? I tried to scan a win 98pc but got an error: connection to RPC server failed".
  6. How do I configure ServiceDesk Plus to perform automatic asset scan?
  7. What is the purpose of Distributed Asset Scan?
  8. How can I perform individual scan of workstations which are not in the network? We have sales engineers who are not connected to the network, but we need their workstation information to be present in our ServiceDesk Plus database.
    How do I scan workstations which are outside a domain/network?
  9. How can I scan new workstation added to the network without performing a complete domain scan?
  10. I have workstations scanned in ServiceDesk Plus. But when I scan a newly purchased workstation, ServiceDesk Plus overwrites the old workstation with the new information. What is the reason behind this behavior?
  11. How do I scan machines connected through Wide Area Network (WAN)?
  12. What are the SNMP devices that can be scanned using ServiceDesk Plus? How are these devices scanned?
  13. How do I scan custom-built PCs? The service tag is not set or is filled with some default values?
  14. How does ServiceDesk Plus identify the uniqueness of a workstation?
  15. All the machines in my network are renamed with _old. Why does this happen?

Agent based Scan

  1. What are Agentless and Agent based scan?
  2. How does Agent Based scan work?
  3. What are the advantages of agent based scanning?
  4. What are the other purposes of agent apart from scan?
  5. I have imaged the hard drive of a computer and loaded it on all workstations. Upon scanning the workstations keep overwriting themselves. How do I fix this?
  6. What are prerequisites for installing an agent?
  7. What are the various methods to deploy the agent in Windows machines?
  8. How do I deploy agents if ServiceDesk Plus is installed in Non - Windows Server?
  9. Are there any ports that have to be opened on the firewall for the agent to communicate with the server? If yes, should the port be opened on the host alone or on both, the host and server? (Repeated)
  10. Can I monitor the agent status in workstations?
  11. What will happen if Agent based scan is enabled and the agent is not installed in certain machines?
  12. I had installed ServiceDesk Plus on the default port 8080, but now I have change the port to 80. How do I update this new port number in the workstations that has the agent installed?
    I have moved ServiceDesk Plus from one server to another server. How do I update the new server information for agents that are already installed in workstations?
  13. How do I check the connectivity between the server and client on which the agent is installed?
  14. How does the Agent scan work for machines which are connected through VPN mode?
  15. Our user login does not have admin rights to the workstation. Hence the logon script configured for installing the agent through group policy does not work. Is there any alternative?
  16. How will I know that a new version of agent is released in the latest service pack and the agent has to be upgraded in my environment?
  17. An agent with version 1.0.5 is already installed in a workstation. What will happen if I try to install an agent with a below version, same version or above version?
  18. What happens when the operating system in a workstation is uninstalled and reinstalled?
  19. When ServiceDesk Plus and Desktop Central are integrated, which agent should I use? Both or either of the one.
  20. How do I upgrade the agent, installed on workstations, with the latest version?

Software License Management

  1. What is software metering? How is it helpful?
  2. Is there an option in ServiceDesk Plus to notify the technicians automatically when prohibited software is detected?
  3. Can my technicians be notified when the installations of a software exceeds the purchased license?
  4. What are the software types available in ServiceDesk Plus? Can I add software types?
  5. How do I associate different sub versions (or minor versions) of the same software into one major version?
  6. From where does ServiceDesk Plus fetch software information for Windows workstations?
  7. How do I add Software Licenses?
  8. Is it possible to assign a particular license to a workstation/server? Currently, I can assign only one license to a workstation/server from the pool of licenses, but there are different serial number/license keys within the pool that relate directly to the specified workstation/server.
    How do I allocate license for a single installation?
  9. How does bulk allocation of licenses work?
  10. I want to add a product for the product type "Software", but there is no version group that goes with the new software. How do I add software to the product list?
  11. How do I add CAL License? What are the types of CAL Licenses?
  12. What is Concurrent License?
  13. What is the difference between the License Types Enterprise Subscription and Enterprise Perpetual?
  14. What is Volume License Type? How do I use it?
  15. What is Named User license type?
  16. What is Node Locked license?
  17. 19.What is Organization License? How can I add it?
    Is it possible to add a software license which can be applied to workstations in any site?
  18. When I set the status of a workstation as "In Store", the installed software is still being metered. Is there a way to exclude the software license for these workstations?
  19. I have a couple of users who have purchased software for their home PC. These PCs are not scanned and never will be. I have manually created these assets but how do I enter the software for auditing?
  20. Can I add custom software license types in the application?
  21. I have all my license details in excel. How do I bring it into SDP?
  22. What does Purchased and Installed column in the Software details page denote?
  23. What is the difference between Purchased Licenses and Purchased CAL License?
  24. How do I attach the license file to a software license?
  25. Does Servicedesk fetch license Keys for Software during inventory?
  26. Is it possible to change the Manufacturer name of the software since I'm unable to do version grouping?
  27. Where do I track the license agreements? How can I be notified about an agreement expiry?
  28. Is there any way to fetch Microsoft license while scanning the machines?


  1. What is the purpose of IT and NON-IT Asset Categorization? How does this correspond to the Max number of Asset or Node license I purchase?
  2. What is Auto-assign owner?
  3. I would like to move some assets from one category to another category say, assets listed under workstation category should be moved to the router/printer category.
  4. How do I change Workstations as Servers?
  5. How do I change a workstation from being a desktop to a laptop?
  6. What is the purpose of Groups in the Assets section of ServiceDesk Plus?
  7. I would like to view all the assets belonging to a particular site in a single page. Where can I configure it?
  8. Where can I find the Remote Assistance feature in ServiceDesk Plus?
  9. Is there a relationship diagram in ServiceDesk Plus which captures relationships between assets?
  10. If the asset status is changed from In Use to Expired or Disposed, will the asset still be calculated as a node and take up a license? Will licensing for retired or unused assets maintained for historical purposes still be calculated as a node?
  11. How do I change the default port for SSH and Telnet port used during scan (global config entry)?

Assets Scan

  1. How do I perform a domain scan in ServiceDesk Plus?

    When you install and start ServiceDesk Plus for the first time, it detects all the domains in your network and from the neighboring network of the server on which it is installed.
    Click Admin -> Windows Domain Scan to list all the domains.
    You can also enter the domain controller information, login name and password on editing the domain you want to scan. The login name and password should be a domain admin login name and password.

  2. What are the ports used by ServiceDeskPlus for scanning Windows and other network devices?

    Please refer to the link below for details of the ports used for scan

  3. What are the various scanning modes supported by ServiceDesk Plus? Does workstation scan install any software or agent on the client machines in order to get information like software and hardware?

    ServiceDesk Plus supports both Agent and Agent-less modes to scan Windows machines. Refer to the link below for more details on these modes of scanning.

  4. What are the devices that can be scanned by ServiceDesk Plus?

    ServiceDesk Plus can scan Windows workstations/servers and other operating systems such as Linux, Solaris, MAC and IBM-AIX. Refer the link below for more details,
    ServiceDesk Plus also supports the scanning of IP devices namely, Printers, Routers, Switches and Access Points. Refer to the link below for more details,

  5. Can I scan PCs with older OS say, window 98? If so, how do I do it? I tried to scan a win 98pc but got an error: connection to RPC server failed".

    Yes, you can scan win 98 machines. Please check if WMI is installed in the PC. If it is not installed then, install WMI by following the instructions provided in the forum post below,

  6. How do I configure ServiceDesk Plus to perform automatic asset scan?

    You can schedule periodic scanning of your network, enable regular cleanup of scanned information, and set re-scanning interval for scanning workstation under Admin tab -> Audit Settings. Or, in the Assets tab you can configure the scan schedule.

  7. What is the purpose of Distributed Asset Scan?

    ServiceDesk Plus helps you scan assets distributed across multiple sites (i.e) Assets which are not connected to the network (or) Assets which are not reachable from the central ServiceDesk Plus server. This can be done with the help of Asset explorer Remote Server which can be installed in the remote network which helps to scan the Assets in the remote network, export the Asset information into a zip file and then import the information into the Central ServiceDesk Plus server. [ Screenshot ]
    In order to use Distributed Asset Scan feature we have to understand the following terms.
    • Central Server: Your ServiceDesk Plus installation is the Central Server where you have the Central Asset database.
    • Remote Server: You can install Remote server in your remote network where you would like to scan assets. You will be able to scan and export the Asset information from the Remote server and import it in your Central ServiceDesk Plus server.
    You can download and Install Asset Explorer Remote Server in the remote network by downloading the exe file from the website below.
    Please refer the document for more information on Distributed Asset Scan, With Distributed Asset Scan, you will have a track of all the assets in your organization in one place, making it easier to manage them. Also, distributed asset scan helps to reduce the load of ServiceDesk Plus server.
    Customers interested in using the Distributed Asset Scan feature can get the AssetExplorer Remote Server (Remote server) license from our licensing team which can be applied in AssetExplorer Remote server installations. This license is equivalent to the number of nodes purchased for ServiceDesk Plus.

  8. How can I perform individual scan of workstations which are not in the network? We have sales engineers who are not connected to the network, but we need their workstation information to be present in our ServiceDesk Plus database.
    How do I scan workstations which are outside a domain/network?

    You can scan workstations which are not in a domain/network using Stand Alone Workstation Audit or by installing the agent in the remote machine. Refer the document on scanning machines outside a domain/network for more information.

  9. How can I scan new workstation added to the network without performing a complete domain scan?
    You have three options to scan new workstations, without performing a complete domain scan.
    1. Manual scan: Click Assets tab -> Workstations under Resource block -> New Scan button -> Provide the details about the workstation and click Scan.
    2. You can have ServiceDesk Plus look for new workstations added to the network every specified number of days automatically. (Click Admin tab -> Audit Settings -> Enable "Check for newly added workstations and specify the number of days interval in which ServiceDesk Plus should look for new workstations")
    3. Stand alone workstation audit: Please refer to the previous question which has information about the standalone workstation audit.
    4. If you have configured a GPO to install windows agent. Then the GPO will get executed in the New machine. Agent will be installed and agent will push the machine details to Servicedesk.

  10. I have workstations scanned in ServiceDesk Plus. But when I scan a newly purchased workstation, ServiceDesk Plus overwrites the old workstation with the new information. What is the reason behind this behavior?

  11. How do I scan machines connected through Wide Area Network (WAN)?

    Refer the document Scanning WAN environment for information on scanning machines connected through Wide Area Network (WAN).

  12. What are the SNMP devices that can be scanned using ServiceDesk Plus? How are these devices scanned?

    ServiceDeskPlus uses the sysOID to uniquely identify the routers, switches, printers and access point in the network. Most of the popular device sysOID are already included in ServiceDesk Plus database.
    When a network scan in performed and new sysOID is detected apart from the sysOID's available by default in the product, they are listed under Admin tab --> General Settings --> OIDs with unknown type. You can configure the product type and the product, so that the machines when rescanned will be categorized under these products. Save the configuration.
    In subsequent scan the details of this particular would be populated automatically.

  13. How do I scan custom-built PCs? The service tag is not set or is filled with some default values?

    While performing a scan, the Workstations and Servers are uniquely identified based on its Service Tags, Name and MAC address. So for a custom-built PC, the service tag is usually filled with some default values like "System Serial Number", "To be filled by OEM" or some random numbers like "12345678". This results with many machines with similar service tags. In such cases, if a scan is performed, one workstation details would be overwritten by the other.
    To avoid this, you can add the service tag under Invalid Service Tag list such that, the workstations with the service tag is ignored during a scan. [ Screenshot ]

  14. How does ServiceDesk Plus identify the uniqueness of a workstation?

  15. All the machines in my network are renamed with _old. Why does this happen?


Agent based Scan

  1. What are Agentless and Agent based scan?

    Agentless and Agent based scan are supported by Windows platform. The Agent is client side software installed in the host to scan inventories and provide easy access for remote assistance. On the other hand, Agentless scans inventories using WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation).

  2. How does Agent Based scan work?

    Please refer the document on Agent based scanning for information.

  3. What are the advantages of agent based scanning?

    Some of the advantages of agent based scan are:
    1. Only one port (TCP 9000) is required during scan, which can be configured under Admin -> Agent settings -> Agent Configuration -> Agent Port.
    2. Easy to deploy the agent in workstations through active directory.
    3. Scans workstations on system boot up and pushing the data to AE application.
    4. Quick access to the remote machine on performing a Remote Control.
    5. The data transfer in agent scan is very minimal compared to agentless scan, and even less when delta scan (difference in data between two subsequent scans is fetched) is performed.
    6. Dependencies over DCOM and RPC settings are eliminated.

  4. What are the other purposes of agent apart from scan?

    Apart from using the agent for scanning purpose, you can also use the agent for Remote Control. Please refer the document to know more about using the agent for Remote Control.

  5. I have imaged the hard drive of a computer and loaded it on all workstations. Upon scanning the workstations keep overwriting themselves. How do I fix this?

    During the process of "Disk imaging hard drive", all the contents in the drive, including the agent details with unique agent ID of that computer, is copied or imaged. Upon cloning this disk image on other workstations, the Agent ID will be copied to all the workstations in the network. Hence, all the workstations that were cloned will contain the same Agent ID as the computer whose hard drive image was used, resulting in workstations getting overwritten while scanning.
    Follow the steps given below for installing agents as part of the image.
    1. Stop "ManageEngine AssetExplorer Agent" service in the master computer.
    2. Go to Run --> type regedit and navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ZOHO Corp\ManageEngine AssetExplorer\Agent".
    3. Delete the 'AgentId' alone.
    4. Make sure you do not start the service of "ManageEngine AssetExplorer Agent" before taking an image of the hard drive.
    5. Now deploy the image on all workstations. Restart the workstations once so that a new unique Agent ID is created.
    Note: We recommended you to try this solution on at least two different workstations before cloning on all machines.

  6. What are prerequisites for installing an agent?

    The following are the permissions required to install the agent.
    • Open the ports TCP 135, 445 and one random port greater than 1024, to install and start the agent as service using WMI.
    • Open the ports TCP 137, 138, 139, 445 for file and printer sharing.
    • The user should have write permission to the directory C:\WINNT(WINDOWS)\TEMP

  7. What are the various methods to deploy the agent in Windows machines?

    Refer to the below link for detailed documentation on Agent deployment.
    Use this link for deploying agents using GPO

  8. How do I deploy agents if ServiceDesk Plus is installed in Non - Windows Server?

    If ServiceDesk Plus is installed in a Non - Windows server like say, Linux, then you can still use the Agent Mode to scan Windows machines. But, you can neither configure the Agent details from Agent Settings page nor install and upgrade the agent from the linux server.
    Some of the methods through which you can configure and deploy the agents are,
    1. Importing from Active Directory logon script
    2. Installing Agent through PsExec utility
    Please refer the document on agent deployment methods for more information,

  9. Are there any ports that have to be opened on the firewall for the agent to communicate with the server? If yes, should the port be opened on the host alone or on both, the host and server?

    The port number which is configured under Admin --> Agent Settings has to be opened or exception has to be created on the firewall. Firewall exception for the port is only for the client workstations and not for server.
    Please refer the document on various ports used during scan for more information,

  10. Can I monitor the agent status in workstations?

    Yes, you can monitor the agent status like, workstations for which the agent is installed, not installed, and workstations with older agent version. This is available in the Assets tab -> Workstation/Server -> Agent Details link.

  11. What will happen if Agent based scan is enabled and the agent is not installed in certain machines?

    If the Agent mode is enabled in the application, then the application first performs Agent based scan for machines which has the agent installed. If the agent is not installed in certain machines, then the application scans those machines using WMI.

  12. I had installed ServiceDesk Plus on the default port 8080, but now I have change the port to 80. How do I update this new port number in the workstations that has the agent installed?
    I have moved ServiceDesk Plus from one server to another server. How do I update the new server information for agents that are already installed in workstations?

    The Agent installed on workstations can be updated using the script Agentconfiguration.vbs. Using this script, you can change the portnumber, protocol, servername and scan at system startup configuration. You can access the Agentconfiguration.vbs script in Admin -> Agent Settings help card. [ Screenshot ]
    Create a new Group Policy for the agent in Active Directory using the script agentconfiguration.vbs. In the parameters section enter the value as given below without parenthesis.
    -SERVERNAME (IP Address of the server) -PORT (80) -PROTOCOL (https) -AGENTPORT (9000) -SCANATBOOT (1).
    Now when the workstation is logged in, the new script will be executed and the agent will be updated with the new port number.

  13. How do I check the connectivity between the server and client on which the agent is installed?

    To check the connectivity between the server and client, telnet the server on the port number configured for agent under Admin --> Agent Settings as below,
    C:\>Telnet AE-Server 9000(port number)

  14. How does the Agent scan work for machines which are connected through VPN mode?

    The agent details can be configured under Admin -> Agent Settings. If the agent is configured to scan at system startup, then upon starting up the computer, the agent will try to push the inventory data to the server. If the server is unreachable, then the agent will try to push the data every half an hour periodically until the server is reached. The agent configurations can be modified and new agents can be created by clicking Create New Agent button.
    Mostly, the computer connected through VPN can access the server and have connectivity to it, but in turn, the server will be unable to communicate or even ping the workstation. In such case, the computer connected through VPN cannot be scanned using Scheduled Scan or by clicking "Scan Now" option from the workstation detail view. Enabling "scan at system startup" is the best solution for computers connecting through VPN.

  15. Our user login does not have admin rights to the workstation. Hence the logon script configured for installing the agent through group policy does not work. Is there any alternative?

    The user login should have admin rights for the agent to be installed through Active Directory group policy when the computer is logged in. If they don't then you can configure the agent install as a start up script instead of logon script.
    To configure startup script you can follow the steps below,
    Steps for configuring in Active Directory:
    1. Create a network share (e.g. \\MyServer\MyShare).
    2. Download the agent and the script InstallAgent.vbs
    3. Save the agent and the script in the network share created in step1.
    4. In your Domain controller, click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Active Directory Users and Computers.
    5. In the console tree, right click your domain, and then select Properties. Click the Group Policy tab, and then click Open (New).
    6. In the new pop up window, right click on the domain name or the organizational unit which you like to install the agent and then click on "Create and Link a GPO Here".
    7. Type a name for this new GPO (for example, AE_AGENT), and then press ENTER.
    8. Right click on the newly created GPO "AE_AGENT" and click edit.
    9. In the new window go to Computer Configuration --> Windows settings --> scripts --> double click Startup.
    10. In the new Logon Properties window click Add. Now browse and select the script "\\MyServer\MyShare\InstallAgent.vbs". The script should be accessible by the target workstations.
    11. Specify the script parameters as msi file name with path (e.g. \\MyServer\MyShare\ManageEngineAssetExplorerAgent.msi) and click OK.
    12. Close the Group Policy window. Click OK and then quit the Active Directory Users and Computers Window.
    Now when the client computer is started, the agent will be automatically installed.

  16. How will I know that a new version of agent is released in the latest service pack and the agent has to be upgraded in my environment?

    When a service pack is released and you want to check the new agent version, click Assets tab -> Older Agent Versions link. [ Screenshot ]
    The Latest Agent Version is displayed in the right hand corner of the screen. And, by default, the workstations with older agents are displayed.
    To upgrade the agent with the latest version, select the check box beside the workstations and click Upgrade button. [ Screenshot ]

  17. An agent with version 1.0.5 is already installed in a workstation. What will happen if I try to install an agent with a below version, same version or above version?

    If you try to install an agent above the current version, then the agent gets upgraded in the application. If you are trying to install an agent below the current version or the current version again, then the agent will not get updated in the application.

  18. What happens when the operating system in a workstation is uninstalled and reinstalled?

    If the operating system of a workstation is uninstalled, then the agent details will also be removed. And, a new Agent ID will be created when the agent is installed on the new operating system. The Agent ID of the machine, when scanned, will differ from the one that is already available in the application database. Though the Agent ID differs, the Service Tag of the machine remains the same. Therefore, based on the Service Tag, the workstation will be overwritten, updating the old Agent ID with the new one.

  19. When ServiceDesk Plus and Desktop Central are integrated, which agent should I use? Both or either of the one

    When both these applications are integrated, it is recommended to use the agent of Desktop Central and deploy it on all Windows workstations in the network since the Desktop Central agent has more funtionalities - software installation/uninstallation, remote control with recording functionality - than Servicedesk. When a workstation is scanned using Desktop Central, the scan details is automatically pushed to ServiceDesk Plus and updated automatically.

  20. How do I upgrade the agent, installed on workstations, with the latest version?

    The Agent installed on the workstation can be upgraded using GPO

    To upgrade using Group Policy Object:
    Step 1: Download the latest agent file from Admin -> Agent Settings -> Download Agent. The downloaded agent is the latest one.
    Step 2: Replace this agent file with the one that is already present in the network share, which was created for the Group Policy Object.

    Now when the workstations login to the network and when the group policy is applied, the older version will be automatically uninstalled and the latest one will be installed. The intelligence to identify whether an older version or the same version is installed on a workstation is built-in the agent file. Hence if an older version is identified it will be removed and the upgraded new version will be installed. Else, if the same version is identified it will be ignored.

    Use this link for deploying agents using GPO


Software License Management

  1. What is software metering? How is it helpful?

    The software metering section in Assets tab -> Software Summary under Resource block gives the details about the usage of the software. [ Screenshot ]
    This information is fetched from the Add/Remove programs of the workstations it scans. [ Screenshot ]

  2. Is there an option in ServiceDesk Plus to notify the technicians automatically when prohibited software is detected?

    Yes you can enable the option to automatically notify the technicians on detecting a prohibited software. Go to Admin tab -> Notification Rules in Purchase and Contract Management section. Enable the rule "Notify Technicians when Prohibited Software are identified during Domain/Network Scan". [ Screenshot ]

  3. Can my technicians be notified when the installations of a software exceeds the purchased license?

    Yes you can notify your technicians when the number of software installations exceeds the purchased license.
    Go to Admin tab --> Notification Rules in Purchase and Contract Management section.
    Enable the rule "Notify technicians when installations exceed the available licenses during Domain/Network Scan".[ Screenshot ]

  4. What are the software types available in ServiceDesk Plus? Can I add software types?

    The different software types in ServiceDesk Plus are:
    • Managed: Licensed Software
    • Unidentified: Default Software Type when the software is detected by ServiceDesk Plus
    • Excluded: Service Packs of software falls under this software type
    • Prohibited: Software that is prevented from use. Prohibited software is not recommended to be installed in the machine.
    You can also add custom software types under Admin -> Software Types in Software section.

  5. How do I associate different sub versions (or minor versions) of the same software into one major version?

    ServiceDesk Plus allows you to group minor versions of the software into one major version.
    Say, you have purchased Adobe Photoshop 7.0 with 4 licenses. The license is applicable for both 7.1 and 7.2 versions and vice versa. In this case 7.0 is the major version and 7.1 and 7.2 are the minor versions. The licenses purchased are the same for all the three versions.
    If Adobe Photoshop 7.0 is installed in two different machines and 7.1 & 7.2 is installed in other two different machines. On scanning for Adobe Photoshop software before grouping, the ServiceDesk Plus shows the list as different single entries. The purchased licenses for the software would be as' 4 ' for the version 7.0 and ' 0 ' purchases for other versions (7.1 & 7.2)
    Using associate minor versions option you can group 7.1 & 7.2 minor versions under 7.0 Major version. This shows the software list to be a single entry with the number of Purchased licenses and installations. Thus helps you in avoiding individual entry for each Version of the software.
    1. From the software view list page. Click on the software name. The software details page opens.
    2. Click on the Actions tab on the right hand side upper corner of the page. Click Associate Minor Versions option. The Associate minor versions page opens.
    3. Select the minor versions of the selected software from the list to group under the Major version.

  6. From where does ServiceDesk Plus fetch software information for Windows workstations?

    ServiceDesk Plus fetches the software information from two locations:
    1. The list of software available in Control Panel ---> Add/Remove Programs.
    2. The registry of the machine (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE).

  7. How do I add Software Licenses?

    Licenses can be added only for Managed Software. You can add Software Licenses in two ways:
    1. Go to Assets tab -> choose Software under Resources block.
    2. Click Software Licenses.
    3. In the Software Licenses List View page, click Add New button.
    Alternatively, you can add software license for managed software.
    1. Go to Assets tab -> choose Software -> Scanned Software link under Resources block.
    2. In Scanned Software List View page, click on a managed software.
    3. In that managed software details page, click Action menu -> Add Software Licenses option.
    [ Screenshot ]

  8. Is it possible to assign a particular license to a workstation/server? Currently, I can assign only one license to a workstation/server from the pool of licenses, but there are different serial number/license keys within the pool that relate directly to the specified workstation/server.
    How do I allocate license for a single installation?

    To allocate license for a single installation,
    1. From the scanned software list view page, select the managed software to allocate license to a workstation.
    2. In the Software details page, click Allocate License icon under Unlicensed Installations.
    3. Select the radio button beside the license to allocate to the workstation.
    [ Screenshot ]
    By clicking on the highlighted icon next to the workstation name, you will have an option to assign a specific license for a particular workstation.

  9. ow does bulk allocation of licenses work?

    To auto allocate license to workstations.
    1. From the scanned software list view page, select the managed software to allocate license to a workstation.
    2. In the software details page, enable the check box beside the workstations to allocate license.
    3. Click Allocate License button to auto allocate license to workstation.

  10. I want to add a product for the product type "Software", but there is no version group that goes with the new software. How do I add software to the product list?

    First you need to manually add software.
    1. Go to Assets tab -> Scanned Software in Resources section.
    2. Click New button. Add the Software and select the Software Type as Managed.
    Now Go to Admin -> Products -> Add New Product
    1. Select the Product Type as Software and select the newly added software from Choose Software drop down menu.
    2. Enter the Product Name and Save. The software is displayed in the product list.

  11. How do I add CAL License? What are the types of CAL Licenses?

    To add CAL License,
    1. Go to Assets tab -> select Software Licenses under Resource block.
    2. Click Add New button.
    3. In the Add Software License form, select the License Type as Client Access License.
    The different types of CAL Licenses are,
    • Per Seat per device: You can purchase a CAL for every device accessing the server regardless of the number of users who use that device.
    • Per Seat per User: You can purchase a CAL for every user accessing the server for services such as, file storage or printing, regardless of the number of devices they use for the access.
    • Per Processor: You can purchase processor license for each processor in the server on which the software is running. A Processor License includes access for an unlimited number of users to connect to the server.
    • Per Server: You can purchase a CAL for any device or user that connects to the server. However, the connections are limited.
    • Per Mailbox: You can purchase a CAL for accessing the mailbox for Exchange Server.

  12. What is Concurrent License?

    Concurrent License allows only specified number of users to login at any particular point of time and access the application.
    Say, for instance, you have purchased a 10 user concurrent license for Oracle. You can create any number of logins but only 10 users can access the application at a time. If the 11th user tries to login, the application rejects the access. If any one of the user logs out of the application, then the 11th user will be given access to the application.

  13. What is the difference between the License Types Enterprise Subscription and Enterprise Perpetual?

    The Enterprise License Type can be allocated to unlimited number of machines as they share the same license key. Enterprise Subscription is an annual subscription model license which you have to renew on a yearly basis. Enterprise Perpetual license has no Expiry.

  14. What is Volume License Type? How do I use it?

    Volume License Type supports multiple installations. With one volume license, you can specify the number of installations allowed. All these installations will share a common license key.
    For instance, most of the Operating Systems come with a license based on Volume License Type.

  15. What is Named User license type?

    Named User (NU) licensing limits the number of individuals authorized to use software on the specified computer.
    For example, Oracle application is installed in Machine A and Machine B. The license is purchased for user say, John. When John logs into Machine A or Machine B he will have access to Oracle. However, when a different user logs into Machine A or Machine B, he will not have access to Oracle.

  16. What is Node Locked license?

    Node Locked denotes the license type for workstations with specific configurations. This license is generated for a particular workstation by giving parameters like IP-Address, Service tag and Mac address. Node Locked license is applied to workstation for which it is purchased.

  17. What is Organization License? How can I add it?
    Is it possible to add a software license which can be applied to workstations in any site?

    Organization License are software licenses which can be applied to workstations across the sites. While adding the software license, select Organization option from Allocated to Site drop down box. [ Screenshot ]

  18. When I set the status of a workstation as "In Store", the installed software is still being metered. Is there a way to exclude the software license for these workstations?

    The only possible way out of this is to de-allocate the software license for the workstation. You can de-allocate the license for a workstation under Assets tab -> click Scanned Software in Resources section.
    Click on the software. Select the workstation to de-allocate the license and click Deallocated License button. This will free-up the license of the software for that workstation.

  19. I have a couple of users who have purchased software for their home PC. These PCs are not scanned and never will be. I have manually created these assets but how do I enter the software for auditing?

    1. Go to Assets tab -> Scanned Software under Resource section.
    2. Click New and add the software with the Software Type as managed.
    3. Go to Workstations under Resource section. Click on the particular workstation.
    4. In workstation details page, click Actions drop down menu -> Add Software option. Select the particular software from the list.
    5. Now go back to Scanned Software and find the particular software. In the software details page, click Actions drop down menu -> Add Software License.
    6. Now you can find the workstation is listed under unlicensed installations. Go ahead and allocate the license for the workstation.

  20. Can I add custom software license types in the application?

    Yes you can customize software license types under Admin tab -> Software License Types under Software section.
    • License type: Enter a name for the license type.
    • Manufacturer: Select the Manufacture from the drop down. You can also add a new Manufacturer by clicking Add New Manufacturer icon.
    • Tracked By: The license type can be tracked by Users or Workstations. Select any one option.
      • User denotes whether the license is tracked by per user. E.g.: Concurrent license
      • Workstation denotes whether the license is tracked by per installations. E.g.: Volume license
    • Installations/Users Allowed:
      • Single: License for single installation/user
      • Volume: License for multiple installations/users
      • Unlimited: License for unlimited installation/users
      • OEM: License for OEM based installations
    • Is Perpetual: Denotes software that does not expire.
    • Is Free: Denote software that is freeware.
    • License option: You can add your own license option like Full packed Product, Enterprise Subscription and so on.

  21. I have all my license details in excel. How do I bring it into SDP?

    You can import all your license details into SDP using Import from CSV file option. Go to Assets tab -> Software Licenses option in Resources section. Select Import from CSV option. [ Screenshot ]
    Based on the license key, the existing license will be overwritten. Currently, ServiceDesk Plus does not support the import option for CAL license.

  22. What does Purchased and Installed column in the Software details page denote?

    Purchased count denotes the number of licensed installations purchased for the software.
    Installation count denotes the number of machines in which the software is installed.

  23. What is the difference between Purchased Licenses and Purchased CAL License?

    Purchased Licenses can be attached to the installations allowed for that software in different machines where as CAL licenses are allowed to access that software from Server to clients.

  24. How do I attach the license file to a software license?

    After creating a license for the software, go to that software license to attach the document. Click Actions drop down -> select Attach Documents option to attach files.

  25. Does Servicedesk fetch license Keys for Software during inventory?

    ServiceDesk does not fetch license key for any software during scanning.

  26. Is it possible to change the Manufacturer name of the software since I'm unable to do version grouping?

    Yes you can change the manufacturer name of the software. From the Scanned Software List View page, click the software to change the manufacturer name. In the details page, click the [Change] link beside the Manufacturer Name. [ Screenshot ]

  27. Where do I track the license agreements? How can I be notified about an agreement expiry?

    To track the license agreement,
    Go to Assets tab -> select License Agreement under Resource section.
    You can track the license agreements under Assets tab -> License Agreement under Resource section.
    While adding a license agreement, you can select users to notify when a license agreement is about to expire. Also, you can select the days before which the notification should be sent to the selected users.
    [ Screenshot ]

  28. Is there any way to fetch Microsoft license while scanning the machines?

    In the past, service desk was able to fetch license keys from Microsoft Operating System and its Office Products. But, currently this operation was suspended from the recent versions of ServiceDesk, as the path and encryption method used to store them has been changed by the manufacturer.
    We have added this to our features list to enable this functionality again. But, due to some technical limitations it is difficult to commit a timeline at the moment.



  1. What is the purpose of IT and NON-IT Asset Categorization? How does this correspond to the Max number of Asset or Node license I purchase?

    Assets in ServiceDesk Plus are categorized as,
    IT Assets: All Assets with the product type as IT asset are considered as Nodes. Assets which are discovered during the scan process of ServiceDesk Plus are listed under IT Assets (or nodes). For example, Workstations, Servers, Routers, Switches and Access points.
    Assets listed under IT Assets correspond to the Max. Number of Assets license you purchase. Say, you have purchased a 250 node or asset license which means you can add only 250 IT assets.
    Non IT Assets: All Assets whose product type comes under Non-IT asset categorization will be considered as Non-IT Assets.
    Asset Components: Parts of the asset which do not stand alone are grouped under components. For example, Keyboards, mouse, monitors etc. Every Product listed under Admin -> Product is associated with a Product Type that is listed under Admin -> Product Type. These Product Types can be categorized either as an IT or Non-IT Asset. The ones categorized as IT is calculated as an Asset license.
    You can add any number of Non IT assets and Components as it does not correspond to the Asset license you purchase.

  2. What is Auto-assign owner?

    ServiceDesk Plus helps you to automatically assign owners for successfully scanned workstations easily and efficiently. ServiceDesk Plus provides owner suggestions based on the last logged user for workstations successfully scanned. You also have an option to change the owner during the assignment process. After the Auto-assign owner process, Resource state for workstations is automatically changed from In Store to In Use. You can find Auto-Assign feature under the Assets tab. [ Screenshot ]

  3. I would like to move some assets from one category to another category say, assets listed under workstation category should be moved to the router/printer category.

    You can move assets to different categories by changing the Product Type of the asset. First make note of the Product Name for those workstations you wish to move to the Router/Printer category. [ Screenshot ]
    Search for the same product name under Admin -> Product. Edit and change the product type from workstation to as per your choice (Printer or Router).

  4. How do I change Workstations as Servers?

    In the latest version of ServiceDesk Plus (v 7.5 and above), we have an option to select the particular asset from the workstation list view and select 'Change as Server(s)' option under the Actions menu which will move the asset into the Servers section.

  5. How do I change a workstation from being a desktop to a laptop?

    Go to Assets tab -> Workstations -> Click on the workstation which you want to change as Laptop and make a note of the Product name. [ Screenshot ]
    Now, go to Admin tab -> Products -> look for the particular product name -> Edit the product and select Laptop.

  6. What is the purpose of Groups in the Assets section of ServiceDesk Plus?

    ServiceDesk Plus helps you to group assets based on the asset properties. You can group assets of users belonging to the same team and location. Organizing assets based on groups gives you more fine-grained control and helps you manage assets efficiently.
    For example, you can group assets based on OS, service packs, memory size and so on. When you are getting ready for migration you will be able to pinpoint assets with 256 MB RAM that needs upgrade before rolling out Windows Vista.
    There are two types of Groups.
    STATIC GROUP: You have to define the group by listing its members manually say, Grouping all the Printers in first floor (you have to handpick static group members).
    DYNAMIC GROUP: Resources are grouped automatically based on certain criteria say, OS, RAM, Vendor and so on.

  7. I would like to view all the assets belonging to a particular site in a single page. Where can I configure it?

    Dynamic group helps you to group assets as per your requirement.
    1. Go to Assets tab -> select Groups under Resources block -> click New Group option.
    2. Provide a name for the group and select the Group Type as Dynamic Group. Click Save.
    3. Define criteria for the group. Say, Site is Texas. Save and view group will list all assets in this particular Texas site.

  8. Where can I find the Remote Assistance feature in ServiceDesk Plus?

    Remote Assistance feature is available in ServiceDesk Plus version 7.5 and above. Remote control feature of ServiceDesk Plus helps you to connect remote machines successfully scanned in ServiceDesk Plus from the application itself.[ Screenshot ]

  9. Is there a relationship diagram in ServiceDesk Plus which captures relationships between assets?

    Yes ServiceDesk Plus does have a relationship diagram which helps to maintain the relationship of assets with other assets in the organization. With the help of the relationship diagram you will be able to define the assets connected (connection relationship), the department or user to whom the asset is assigned to (Usage relationship) and the software installed in it (container relationship).
    your mail server and it goes down due to some unexpected reasons, you will be able to rebuild a new machine with the exact same configuration as your previous mail server had with the help of this relationship diagram.
    [ Screenshot ]

  10. If the asset status is changed from In Use to Expired or Disposed, will the asset still be calculated as a node and take up a license? Will licensing for retired or unused assets maintained for historical purposes still be calculated as a node?

    In v 7.5 and above of ServiceDesk Plus, assets moved to Expired or Disposed state will not be taken into account as a node. Currently these assets can be scanned and maintained in the system mainly for historic data.

  11. How do I change the default port for SSH and Telnet port used during scan (global config entry)?

    ServiceDesk Plus uses 22 and 23 as the default port number for SSH and Telnet respectively. If these ports are changed and used in the organization widely, then ServiceDesk Plus can be updated to use the new port number for SSH and Telnet. To update the application with the new port numbers use the query given below, the same can be used for both MYSQL and MSSQL database.
    For SSH:
    Update globalconfig set paramvalue=(new port number) where parameter='SSH PORTS'
    For Telnet:
    Update globalconfig set paramvalue=(new port number) where parameter='TELNET PORTS' [ Screenshot ]


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