Uninstall Desktop Central agents from the remote office computers manually


This document describes the procedure to uninstall the Desktop Central agents installed in the remote office computers manually. When you no longer wish to manage a remote office computer using Desktop Central MSP, it is recommended to remove the agents from those computers before removing the computers from the Customers page.


Desktop Central Agents have to be manually uninstalled from your clients' computers.

Manually Remove from Individual Computers

  1. Download the script UnInstallDCAgent.txt
  2. Rename it to UnInstallDCAgent.vbs
  3. Run the script in all the client computers from the command prompt: CSCRIPT UnInstallDCAgent.vbs

Using PsExec Utility to Remove from Multiple Computers

You can use the PsExec utility to execute the agent uninstallation script in multiple computers within the same office. If you have multiple remote offices added in Desktop Central, you need to perform these steps in each of the remote offices.

  1. Create a network share (eg. \\MyServer\MyShare).
  2. Download the script UnInstallDCAgent.txt.
  3. Rename it to UnInstallDCAgent.vbs. Save the vb script in the network share created in step 1
  4. Download the PsExec utility from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx and save it in, for example, C:
  5. Run the script using the following command from the dos prompt

    C:\for /f %f in (c:\computernames.txt) do psexec \\%f -u <domain>\administrator -p <password> CSCRIPT \\MyServer\MyShare\UnInstallDCAgent.vbs


    computernames.txt contains a list of computers from where the agent has to be uninstalled, which has to be specified with its complete path
    <domain> refers to the domain or the workgroup admin user name
    <password> refers to the domain or the workgroup administrator password

Applies to: Desktop Central Uninstallation, Agent Uninstallation, Remote Office Agent, WAN Agent Uninstallation

Keywords: Uninstall Agents, Agent Uninstallation, Desktop Central Uninstallation

