Restoring Data from the Backup


OpUtils periodically backup the database file and store it in the file system. The backup interval can be configured as low as every day depending on the importance. In case of database failure or corruption, you can restore the data from the backup files. This article will guide you through the steps to restore a previously backed up OpUtils Database.


Follow the steps below to restore the data from backup. You need to perform these steps from the computer where OpUtils is installed.

Important: The current build number and the backup version should be the same. The name of the backup zip file will begin with the build number of the OpUtils. For example, a backup file denotes that the backed up database pertains to build number 57003 with the date and time at which the backup has been taken. You can verify the current build number by clicking the About link from the top-right of the OpUtils client.

  1. Ensure that Oputils is running before you perform the steps. Open the Task Manager and check whether the process fbserver.exe is running.
  2. The backup files will be stored in <Install_Dir>/ScheduleBackup directory. If this has been changed, take a backup zip from the location where the backup files are stored. Extract the zip to a directory, say Desktop.
  3. Open a command prompt and change directory to extracted directory (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop)
  4. Execute the following command:

    <OpUtils_Install_Dir>\ManageEngine\OpUtils\firebird\bin\gbak.exe -c -v -user SYSDBA -password masterkey OpUtilsDB.fbk localhost/33105:<OpUtils_Install_Dir>\ManageEngine\OpUtils\firebird\Restored_OpUtilsDB.fdb

    <OpUtils_Install_Dir> denotes the directory where OpUtils is installed. the default being C:\Program Files
  5. This will restore the database from the backup file. You will see a series of entries printed in the command prompt when the restoration is in progress and comes back to the prompt when completed.
  6. After the restoration is complete, you will see a new file as Restored_OpUtilsDB.fdb in <OpUtils_Install_Dir>\ManageEngine\OpUtils\firebird directory.
  7. Stop OpUtils from Start --> Programs --> ManageEngine OpUtils --> Stop OpUtils
  8. Navigate to the <OpUtils_Install_Dir>\ManageEngine\OpUtils\firebird directory.
  9. Rename the OpUtilsDB.fdb to OpUtilsDB_old.fdb
  10. Rename Restored_OpUtilsDB.fdb to OpUtilsDB.fdb
  11. Start OpUtils and check the data in from the OpUtils client.
  12. If you are sure that the data has been completely restored, you can safely delete the OpUtilsDB_old.fdb file.

Keywords: disaster recovery, database restore, firebird database, backup database, data restore

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