Be Audit-Ready for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard 3.0 (PCI DSS) Compliance

Comply to PCI DSS Requirement 10 and 11.5 with EventLog Analyzer

PCI DSS 3.0 Whitepaper

PCI DSS compliance has gained worldwide acceptance by card service providers – card issuers, banks, and merchants – that plan to protect their customers’ cardholder data from being misused. PCI DSS 3.0 has 12 security requirements concerning the protection of cardholder data. All businesses that accept, store, process, or transmit customers card data either online or offline have to adhere to those requirements.

Businesses that do not comply with PCI DSS requirements are penalized in different forms such as heavy fines, an increase in the number of audits, and even forfeiture of their licenses to process card transactions. Most importantly, the brand and reputation of a business suffers if a data breach affects its customers' payment card data.

In this whitepaper we will discuss in detail on how businesses can use EventLog Analyzer, the compliance management solution from ManageEngine, to comply with the PCI DSS requirements 10 and 11.5, thereby securing cardholder data and mitigating payment card fraud.